
Kirtan with Stina and Niels from the Facebook Group of Kirtan Copenhagen

Mantras is one of the 5 ways that the Yoga Sutras recognize in the sutra 4.1 to reach liberation. Kirtan is singing mantras repeatedly together with a group of people. Stina and Niels organize in Copenhagen and in Mandrem Kirtan sessions that are full of energy and love.

In this interview they tell us what they do and how they do it. The interview is interrupted with pieces of recordings of two kirtan sessions at Stina's and Niels' home in Mandrem.

The quality of the recordings was not too good that's why I took me a year to edit and upload this chapter. At the end recognizing that no recording is going to be able to reproduce the energy of the moment I have finally uploaded it here.

If you have the opportunity to attend a Kirtan session with Stina and Niels don't hesitate!, it's special!

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